Chasing Our Star

I’d travel through the snow
Oh, the lengths I’d go
Only heaven could know
To what lengths I’d go
To find a Christmas Valentine

Uncharted boat I’d stow
Oh, the lengths I’d go
Only heaven could know
To what lengths I’d go
To find a Christmas Valentine

Paddle against the flow
Oh, the lengths I’d go
Only heaven could know
To what lengths I’d go
To find a Christmas Valentine

I’d search both high and low
Oh, the lengths I’d go
Only heaven could know
To what lengths I’d go
To find a Christmas Valentine

[Under the tree…
… waiting for me]

Chords: Dm C6 / riff low d high d a g f e d; 102 BPM
Recording: digital 7-track stereo
Instrumentation: Vocals, Keyboards

Spirit of Christmas
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